Why did we start TestandMeasurement.Consulting?
The answer is simple: We learned that after a long career in test and measurement, that the measurement challenges of the industry are becoming more and more complex.

With industry 4.0 on the doorstep, it will be for both suppliers, as well as end-users, challenging to determine what the real T&M requirements for their applications need to be is. Highly specialized Test and Measurement knowhow is hard to find.

Our careers were mainly in test and measurement, in various functions from engineering, through domestic and international marketing & sales management, business development, strategy development and general management.

An extensive network that does not mean that we know how to solve all these challenges. But due to our presence in the market for many years, we have built an extensive network of experts, all among the best in their own fields of expertise. These resources available for both end users as well as T&M suppliers. So we can help, since for us, it is not only what we know, but also who we know – this is the expertise of others. Thus besides our own expertise, we facilitate delivering the knowledge you need, from our network.

Partnering with T&M suppliers. While they might need some additional specific expertise the technical aspects of their products, it is more common they need marketing and sales expertise to bring their products or services to the T&M market. This provides a service to the end users who have better access to T&M products and services.

With our Business Development Process, we can offer suppliers of Test&Measurement instrumentation a special process found to take them further. A special process has been extensively used by the Fluke Corporation. It was called the Phoenix process. It has often been successfully used in defining new business opportunities. We were involved in this process quite intensively when it was first successfully used in areas that grew to significant business areas in the Fluke portfolio. Since then the process was enhanced several times by both Fluke as well as ourselves. We now call this process “Phoenix 4.0” since the model we have now is the 4th iteration of its original processes.