Change your strategy, change your results.
Our focus on business development is mainly strategic. We help T&M suppliers and their sales channels defining and designing strategies for both existing product lines, as well as helping to define a new business for them in mature markets or emerging markets. If you don’t get the results from your existing business, a strategy makeover might be the solutions.

Low hanging fruit.
The first thing we always look at if the business strategy and the sales channel strategy are aligned, if not fixing this is the fastest way to a business improvement.
Which position has the product line in the sales channel; is it a primary, secondary or strategic business, in other words, how much mindshare does the supplier have with the channel.
And from a channel perspective does the supplier give the right of support in order to let the channel develop the business and does not need to worry about channel conflicts?
Net results are that when there is a better strategic alignment between supplier and channel, the end-user, the final customer, will reap the benefits since maximum support will and can be given.

Change from inside out.
Our method of working has a facilitative /coaching character.
We use a proven process where we go from defining a vision, mission, strategies and the right actions in order to get the results we need. We supply different types of support in order to effectively produce or manage change at the various levels.

Disruptive Innovation.
From an oppotunity perspective we can say we are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
In its scale, scope and complexity, what is considered to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.
These are all fundamental changes affecting our economic, social and political systems that are difficult to undo, even if the process of globalization itself were to somehow be reversed. The same applies for the automotive market.
The question for all industries and companies, without exception, is no longer “Am I going to be disrupted?” but “When is disruption coming, what form will it take and how will it affect me and my organization?”
Since we all know (or should know) the importance of T&M in a global market, T&M companies need to have the right strategies in order play a role in these emerging markets.

Phoenix 4.0
For T&M suppliers, we designed a process based on the highly successful “Phoenix Process” which Fluke pioneered in the 1990’s for their new businesses. Fluke enhanced the process two more times, while we added our own elements to the process, including MVP, Business Model Engineering, and System Dynamics during the whole Business Development process. We named it Phoenix
A crucial and essential element of going to market is to have the appropriate sales channels aligned with the chosen business strategy. We are highly specialized in sales channel development & management in the T&M market.